Dedications are available in:
- Library (Large) and Regular Sizes
- In 1 or more volumes

Chelek1 | Simanim | Topics | Large | REG |
1a | 1-24 | Laws of awakening in the morning; tzitzis. | sold | sold |
1b | 25-32 | Tefillin Vol 1 | sold | sold |
1c | 33-45 | Tefillin Vol 2 | available | available |
1d | 46-60 | Tefillah 1: Birkos Hashachar, Birkas Hatorah, Korbanos, Pesukei Dezimra, Kadish, First part of Kerias Shema | sold | sold |
1e | 61-75 | Tefillah 2: Kerias Shema part 2, Laws of onen, | available | sold |
1f | 76-99 | Tefillah 3: Not reciting Kerias Shema in an unclean place. Hilchos Tefillah 1: Correct time to daven, direction to daven to, | available | reserved |
1g | 99- 127 | Tefillah 4: Obligation to concentrate in Davening, not walking in front of someone davening making up a missed tefillah, Tefillas Haderech, Laws of Shemoneh Esre, Laws of Mashiv Haruach, Vesein Berachah etc. | available | sold |
Chelek2 | Simanim | Topics | Large | REG |
2a | 128-134 | Nesias Kapayim (duchaning), Tachanun. | sold | Sold |
2b | 135-149 | Hilchos Kerias Hatorah | Sold | Sold |
2c | 150-156 | Halachos of a Beis Hakneses, Laws of how to behave when doing buisiness | available | available |
2d | 157-166 | Netilas Yadayim: Washing hands before meal including laws of chatzitzah, going to a bathroom before and during a meal, | available | Sold |
2e | 167-180 | Berachos 1: Hilchos Berachos during a meal including the berachos over wine and whether one is required to recite a new berachah when leaving ones place | available | available |
2f | 181-201 | Berachos 3: Halachos of Birkas Hamazon: Including Mayim Acharonim, whether one is required a cup of wine for Birchas Hamazon, whether women and children are obligated, Laws of zimun. | sold | sold |
2g | 202-215 | Berachos 4:Laws of Berachos over food: Borei Peri Haetz, Hadamah, Shehakol, general halachos regarding berachah over food, Al Hamichyah, Borei Nefashos, Halachos regaridng eating less than a kezayis, Order to recite berachos, Ikker and Tafeil, Moitze another person with his berachah, halachos of reciting Amen etc. | available | available |
2h | 216-241 | Berachos 5: Berachah over spices, over miracles, Berachos to thank Hashem for his kindness, berachos over a new born or a new house, Shecheyanu, blossoms, Oisheh Maaseh Bereishis, Halachos of Minchah and Maariv, Kerias Shema of Maariv and before going to bed. Laws of tzenius. | available | available |
Chelek 3 | Simanim | Topics | Large | REG |
a | 242-261 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
b | 262-280 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
c | 281-301 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
d | 302-308 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
e | 309-317 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
f | 318-323 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
g | 324-333 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
h | 334-344 | Shabbos | sold | sold |
Chelek 4 | Topics | Large | REG |
a | Eiruvin 1 | sold | available |
b | Eiruvin 2 | sold | available |
c | Eiruvin 3 | sold | available |
d | Rosh Chodesh | reserved | available |
Chelek 5 | Simanim | Topics | Large | REG |
a | 429-446 | Pesach | sold | sold |
b | 447-452 | Pesach | sold | sold |
c | 453-467 | Pesach | sold | sold |
d | 468-494 | Pesach | sold | sold |
e | 495-509 | Yom Tov | sold | sold |
f | 510-529 | Yom Tov | sold | sold |
Chelek 6 | Simanim | Topics | Large | REG |
a | Chol Hamoed | sold | sold | |
b | Tisha Be’Av and fast days | available | available | |
c | 581-624 | Rosh Hashannah/Yom Kippur | sold | sold |
d | 625-644 | Succos | sold | sold |
e | 645-669 | Lulav | sold | sold |
f | 670-697 | Chanukah/Megilah | sold | sold |